Serving In

Matt and Fay Wagner serving with Nazarene Missions Teams in Guatemala

In 2009 while leading a Work and Witness trip to Guatemala, Matt and Fay felt God tugging at their hearts to increase their involvement in missions. Since then, they have led and participated in numerous mission trips and held missions-focused leadership roles in both their local Nazarene church and at the district level. In 2023, God called them into full time volunteer missions. They are thrilled to serve alongside Roger and Damaris Kellogg as they host Nazarene mission teams in Guatemala.

Matt and Fay attend the Bethel Church of the Nazarene in Bethel, Ohio.  They have served in various roles within the local church including board members, Sunday School teachers for adults and children, NMI vice president, and praise team members. Matt has also served on the Southwestern Ohio district as NMI vice president as well as Work and Witness coordinator.

Fay and Matt met while attending Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Shortly after graduation, they married and started their careers as educators. They have two adult children who are both married to wonderful spouses, and they are enjoying being grandparents.  

Matt and Fay are looking forward to seeing what doors God will open for them in the future. If you’d like to learn more about Matt and Fay, please click here to check out their blog. This blog will contain updates about how God is working through their ministry.



Matthew and Faylene Wagner

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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas. 
