The Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library ( contains free multidisciplinary digital resources for a global community of scholars, pastors, archivists, and other learners. WHDL was developed in response to a worldwide need for access to resources written from a broad spectrum of global contexts and in various languages.
This vast and constantly expanding online library is designed to bridge the gap between those who have abundant resources and those who have almost none. It is a repository of over 16,000 books, articles and presentations offered open-sourced, so anyone with a hunger to learn can share and use them. It contains material in 95 languages, and the website can be accessed in 22 languages. While it was initially utilized mainly by English-speakers within the USA when it debuted in 2013, the majority of users search from outside the USA in a language other than English.
Students, pastors, lay people, new Christians, and pre-Christians all have access to a deep resource of theological materials on the WHDL, even in places where access to physical libraries is limited, or where the distribution of Christian literature is dangerous. The visionary leaders who helped to create the system overcame the massive hurdle of multi-lingual functionality, and were able to create a one-of-a-kind evangelism, discipleship and educational resource.
The WHDL includes Course of Study clergy education material from every region of the Church of the Nazarene, multi-discipline scholarship from the universities and seminaries, and archival materials from the global church and educational institutions.
See for yourself at .
Your partnership in this collaborative effort helps provide for the library, build the collection, and develop creative access to resources.
In the US:
Make checks payable to General Treasurer and send them to:
Church of the Nazarene, Global Ministry Center
Attn: Donor Services
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, KS 66220-7900
In Canada:
Make Checks payable Church of the Nazarene Canada and send them to:
Church of the Nazarene Canada
3657 Ponytrail Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1W5.